Wine a Bit

We’ve all had those days where we just can’t seem to vent enough, whether it’s because of a bad day at work, clueless drivers on the road, or just waking up on the wrong side of the bed.  Before you annoy the crap out of everyone around you with endless venting, just take it here.  Sit back with a large glass of your favorite wine, or two, and whine a bit (or a lot)!

By the way, isn't the "Wine a'll feel better" sign the best?  I have it hanging up in my kitchen and it always reminds me to just have some wine to relax...


Wine Lover said...

I have bad road rage so a lot of my pet peeves involve driving. One of my biggest pet peeves when driving is when drivers decide to putt along at 65mph in the FAST LANE. I just don’t understand that! Get the hell out of the fast lane if you’re not going to driver faster. I get right up on them and they still don’t move over. I get so annoyed. When I’m in the fast lane and I see that the person behind me wants me to push over and let them pass, then I will. Easy concept, right? Why don’t some drivers get that? Just push over and let other drivers pass!!

Wine Lover said...

I’m sure plenty of people in the New England area can relate when I say this weather completely sucks! I am so sick of rain and clouds, is it too much to ask for the sun to be out? We’ve had brief moments of sunshine, but not enough to turn my blah mood around. My body is lacking Vitamin D from the sun and I need to fully recharge myself. Sun, please come out!

Wine Lover said...

You know what I really hate? I hate it when I hold the door open for someone and they don’t say thank you! How rude! That’s when I just want to rewind time to a few seconds ago and slam the door shut in their face. Some people need to learn manners.

Raff said...

Manners have gone away, people are just looking to get from point A to point B at all costs. Often times this means ignoring common courtesies like thanking someone for opening the door. Next time leave right after them and make a scene when they do not hold the door for you!

Wine Lover said...

I hear you, it's quite sad that people can't even say a simple "Thanks" to nice gestures. Next time I'll make sure to put my GRRRRRRR face on and put them in their place!