Friday, September 2, 2011

Celebrate with some bubbly!

My hubby and I celebrated our one year anniversary two weekends ago; this of course called for some bubbly!  As I mentioned before I love Barefoot wines because they taste great and are extremely inexpensive, so when I was looking for a new type of champagne to try the Barefoot Moscato Spumante caught my eye.  This sparkling wine is DELICIOUS!  It has the sweetness of regular Moscato wine, bursting with flavors of apricot, peaches and apples, with the added bonus of fizz.  My husband, who isn’t a fan of wine and doesn’t stray far from his Bud Light, was adventurous and tried some of the sparkling wine…and he liked it (trust me, that says a lot)!  This is the perfect sparkling wine to make mixed drinks with (add some orange juice and a splash of grenadine…doesn’t that sound good?) or just have on its own.  If you prefer to have some sweetness in your bubbly, Barefoot Moscato Spumate is just for you!

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